“I believe in reconciliation, restoration and resurrection of dead relationships.”

(Was writing an old friend and this came out).

There are a whole lot of people that I would love to wrap my arms around and just say to them how much I love them and how much they have helped to shape me into the man that I am today. Have you ever wondered how so many people who once walked with you in divine covenant have no problem being torn apart from you? They have no problem being separated from you? They have no problem being out of sight from you? It is as if they have had a portion of their brain or memory removed. Imagine if God did that to us.

I believe in reconciliation, restoration and resurrection of dead relationships. I believe that no break up is irreconcilable, irreparable or irreversible. I don’t believe that people who were once sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers in the spirit can live peacefully and successfully in the kingdom with unresolved issues with their own family members.

If you’re out there and we’ve been torn apart, we’ve been separated, you’re out of sight, or maybe part of your brain has been removed and we have unresolved issues, please receive this hug in the spirit and hear me when I say, because of you my life is what it is today. Every person that God put into my life that I have had professed (divine covenant) with has helped shape me into the man that I am today.

I just wanted to stop by and say thank you. But of course many of those people will probably never read this post or at least act like they didn’t see it. But my offer still stands. I wrap my arms around you and I say forgive me and I love you. The devil is the accuser of the brethren and it is the enemy that works overtime to keep family apart. Once family always family. Seems like if folk are saved this would mean something to them.

Mark 10:9 NLT
“Let no man split apart what God has joined together.”

—Bishop Vaughn McLaughlin