Sorry for the Confusion!

I’m sorry for the confusion:

Okay, okay. I love God and I love preachers. I am one. There are some great preachers in the world and I enjoy listening to them. BUT!!!!!!

I got up today doing house chores and thought I’d blast me some “Christian” television. I thought I’d turn on the Word Network, TBN, Impact, Daystar, jump from channel to channel and let it just blast throughout the house.

I need to say to those who know me and know my love for God, my love for his preachers and his people, (I’m sorry for the confusion.)

My head is spinning. I’ve been watching and listening to “Christian” television since 7 this morning and if I wasn’t saved I wouldn’t know what to believe or who to believe. On one station, one great preacher got me running around the room sweeping harder and faster than ever and then on another station some real popular preacher got me sitting down with my mouth open paralyzed by the butchering of the word of God. Then on another station there is another not so great and popular preacher that’s selling everything from prayer cloths to holy water to playing the numbers, preying on home bound “spiritually ignorant” folk who have a little money in the bank.

I hear a whole lot of “burning” with no “learning”. This equates to a whole lot of false teaching and erroneous doctrine that literally lead people away from faith in God to putting their faith in the preachers and the ministries they see on television. Jesus said, false prophets shall arise, Peter said it, John said it, Paul said it and even James warned folk who may want to buy television time and (talk) for God.

James 3:1
3 Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly.

When we presume to teach we are held to a higher standard of judgment and scrutiny. We then are held to a higher level of accountability to make sure that we’re doing the best to tell the truth and to, of course, ultimately glorify God.

Here is something I ran across about the qualifications of people who are responsible for speaking to God’s people and leading them. A paraphrase of 1Timothy 3:

1 Tim 3:1-2
3 If anyone wants to provide leadership in the church, good! 2 But there are preconditions: A leader must be well-thought-of, committed to his wife, cool and collected, accessible, and hospitable. He must know what he’s talking about,

HE MUST KNOW WHAT HE’S TALKING ABOUT. There are a whole lot of popular television preachers that don’t know what they are talking about. My knees got weaker and weaker as I listened to preacher after preacher. ( I experienced: Send money and more money. Cheap Grace. False prophecies. Fake Apostles. Legalism and works righteousness. Gnosticism and Inclusion).

I was told that I can just ask Jesus into my heart, right now, and believe that he came into my heart and instantly, “I AM SAVED”. Then someone said that if I wanted to be saved I need to purge from my old ways and get on my knees and call upon the Lord, (until He hears me) and delivers me, even if it takes weeks.

Did I say that I love God and his preachers and his people? Did I say that there are some great preachers in the world and I love listening to them? Yet, there will be some who think that this type of scrutiny and commentary is not necessary and will think I’m mad at somebody and just causing division. (Lord help us). So, what I’ll do is leave you with a word from God to think about. It’s found in 2 Peter. Listen:

2 Peter 3:16-17
Some things Paul writes are difficult to understand. Irresponsible people who don’t know what they are talking about twist them every which way. They do it to the rest of the Scriptures, too, destroying themselves as they do it. 17 But you, friends, are well-warned. Be on guard lest you lose your footing and get swept off your feet by these lawless and loose-talking teachers.

Sounds like we should be on the look out for “irresponsible” people who don’t know what they are talking about. We should be on the lookout for people who “twist” the scriptures, every which way. It sounds to me that we need some people who will keep us on our guard and on alert for “loose-talking” teachers.

Well, I’m glad I have enough word in me, not to get swept off my feet and lose my footing because of “popular” false teachers and “irresponsible” wordsmiths. But, I was literally sweeping my house this morning and got knocked off my feet long enough to jot down what God spoke to me while listening to “Christian” television.

So, I hope I can help someone to know that “you ain’t crazy”. Yep, that’s what they said and you know that ain’t right or you know that that’s not, “all there is to it.” So, I’d like to say on the behalf of the preachers who are not irresponsible and who love the word of truth and don’t need your money. SORRY FOR THE CONFUSION!

So, it’s back to work. Got a load in the washing machine and two more to go. Doing windows and gonna mop while “ESPN” now blasts throughout the house while I work.

(The reason I share is because I care.)

Vaughn McLaughlin

PS. Just added after a few inbox comments.
“Keep in mind, I’m only talking about television. Not the church. The church is the sole embodiment of the presence and the activity of the Lord Jesus Christ on earth. We are the church and members one of another. We are one body that meets in many different locations. You can turn the tv off and fellowship with your local body and get into the word yourself.”