“So, now I’m ‘thinking,’ wouldn’t it be great if we didn’t just ‘think’ about how good God is, but we actually demonstrated it.”

On my flight back from Australia I was in a very reflective mood. I actually was “thinking” about how good God is, period. Just “thinking” about it. Then I look over to my left and see this guy a “Muslim” unashamedly praying to his god. I understand that this does not mean he’s more spiritual. Jesus taught us this with the Pharisees. They would pray long repetitious prayers but didn’t know God.

So my thoughts have shifted by viewing this man pray and then talking with him. So now I’m “thinking” wouldn’t it be great if we didn’t just “think” about how good God is but we actually demonstrated it. Daniel prayed 3 times a day for everyone to hear and see him. David praised the Lord 7 times a day. Jesus went about doing good healing all that were oppressed of the devil.


Don’t be ashamed to stop, drop and pray, praise or do good to whoever you encounter. This man just shifted something in my spirit and I hope my life forever.


Thank you Rahman from Pakistan.


—Vaughn McLaughlin