“Please tell me how can this tiny percentage of people hold a nation hostage and threaten our long standing Christian faith, morals and values.”

I just spent a couple of hours pulling up statistics on the number of gay and lesbian citizens in the U.S. The stats ranged from 1.0% to as high as 2.2%. Our nation and government seems to be bent on wanting 98.4% of citizens to accept as “normal” what the entire world has never accepted as normal “ever”. Not one time in the history of man.
So, I made this graph to show the proportion for the eyes to see. Please tell me how can this tiny percentage of people hold a nation hostage and threaten our long standing Christian faith, morals and values. It is not our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters that are changing the laws. If they all voted at the same time their wouldn’t be enough votes to pass anything. The force behind the legal issues is found with the “sympathizers” of the LGBT Community. It’s the family and friends who don’t want to discriminate against their loved ones and associates that are in support of laws that protect the rights of what my Psychology books and Professor at the University of Tennessee at Martin in 1975 called, “Deviate and unacceptable behavior.” When did things change. (My mother taught me differently and my mama knew everything.) Just look at the graph.

Bishop's Graph

—Bishop Vaughn McLaughlin

One thought on ““Please tell me how can this tiny percentage of people hold a nation hostage and threaten our long standing Christian faith, morals and values.”

  1. Paul Buntyn says:

    The sympathizers are growing in popularity because there are those who have the ears of a vast audience through the media markets (TV, radio, newspaper) who are notable in society who are partnering with the small minority group. When Christians are being influenced by post-modernism and the wave of subjective relativism it is watering down the “church”, leaders of the Faith are being intimidated to stand for truth in order to keep people in the pews. However, I am confident that God is raising, and have been raising men and women who will not be stifled for what we know is truth. It is sin. Our President has been a mouth piece for secularism, immorality and even idolatry to which he needs the prayers of the righteous. I pray that a Nathan will enter his chambers before his term is completed. I encourage those of the Christian Faith will hold fast to the gospel that is able to save the LGBT community and inspire the Christian waffles to repent.

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