Not on My Watch!

Calling all pastors!!!!!!! After conducting an all day seminar in Dayton, Ohio on the importance of connecting with the Millennial Generation, I want it to be known that, “we have work to do.” I have discovered that Facebook, youtube, Instagram, and Snapchat are preaching their gospel of inclusion, subjectivism, relativism and personal divinity with a little more urgency and clarity than many of us.
If we have the “true” gospel then we have got to make it plain and we have to have some sense of urgency before we wind up losing an entire generation to the philosophies of man and street theology. The Facebook prophets are using the internet for their information about the bible, and the church and they are telling folk that are in the valley of decision to turn to the internet to get their “facts” instead of turning to us men and women of God to get the “truth”.

Facts can motivate them, educate them, enrage them, and cause all kinds of emotions in them but only the truth can set them free. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life.” We have to make this verse come alive. We have to preach with clarity, teach regularly and love unceasingly.

We can’t complain about stuff that we are not willing to do something about. We have got to equip ourselves and educate ourselves to help this generation. So, my advice is to simply meet with your young people and listen to them. Take their questions and then answer their questions. Bring them close to you. Put them on your staffs. Put them on your boards. Create platforms for their gifts. Mentor them without parenting them.
We’ve got to connect with the next generation or will have an entire generation that knows not God or what God has done for mankind.

Judges 2:10 After that generation died, another generation grew up who did not acknowledge the Lord or remember the mighty things he had done for them.


—Vaughn McLaughlin