Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing.

I believe that the word of God has the power to bring change to any person or situation. If people would only listen to and obey the word of God we will see more manifestation than we are seeing today. When I say manifestation I’m not talking about stuff and things, money and fame. There are more important issues than stuff and things. I find it amazing that people can claim to know the word and remain bitter, angry and unforgiving. It’s amazing how so many people desire to speak in tongues but don’t want to speak to people.

The-Main-Thing_laughsandlove_com_We cannot live as Christians and not “demonstrate” love for each other. Jesus says we have to love one another so that the world will believe that the gospel is true. (That God sent Jesus.) John 17:20-21 Jesus models for us that there is NOTHING anyone can do to you that you cannot forgive. There is no racial prejudice that you can’t overcome. No form of discrimination that you cannot overcome. No divorce, no rejection, no abuse, no betrayal and no misunderstanding that the Lord did not give us the power and authority to overcome.

Somebody reading this needs to let some things go. Let someone go. Get over some things. This is necessary if you expect to possess what God has purposed for you. The Apostle Paul said it best, I’m rambling. Here is what he said.

Ephesians 4:30-32
30 And do not bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit by the way you live. Remember, he has identified you as his own,[e] guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption. 31 Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger, harsh words, and slander, as well as all types of evil behavior. 32 Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.

Keep the main thing the main thing.

—Bishop Vaughn McLaughlin