Happy New Year!

It’s the New Year. Happy New Year to all.

I’ve heard a whole lot of prophecies of how increase and blessing and peace await us for the next 364 days. I am definitely not a prophet of doom but I think we need to be careful to tell folk the truth.

The truth is:
Christians are going to have to equip themselves with more than a buck and a shout if we’re going to have an answer for this generation that is of the belief that sin is relative and subjective. (Our preaching has got to include much more teaching and less performance).

Christians are going to need hide the word of God deep down in their souls to increase their faith. We have got to stare down ISIS as it trying to get us to deny our faith in the true and living God. (Folk will not be willing to die for something that they don’t fully understand).

The church has got to do more than crowd into church buildings on Sundays and have only a handful come out during the week if we expect to convince folk that the church is still God’s vehicle for social change and justice. (In 2016 we’ve got to prove that the power Jesus promised to us, we do possess).

In 2016, we can’t say we serve the God of the bible and continue to enjoy what the world has to offer. (Shows like Empire, Scandal, Modern Family and media forms like World Star Hip Hop and even Facebook and other social sites cannot dominate our lives and baby sit our young children.) Our children learn perversion by using the devices that their parents buy for them and then the parents complain about the children having them.2016

So, I believe this year is going to be one of the most intense and critical years in the history of the church. The pressure is going to be on the pastors to equip the saints for what’s ahead. If we don’t win the Millennials and if we don’t stop having church and start being the church, we’re going to be in serious trouble.

Yes, God wants to bless us and yes the promises of God and yea and amen in Christ. We must know that the only real promise we have for this upcoming year is found in Ps.46:1 and many other places in the scriptures.

Ps 46:1
46 1 God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.

God will help us and God will be with us. We can also expect God to fight for us. This year we are going to have to fight. These are times of trouble but don’t forget that God is our helper.


—Bishop Vaughn McLaughlin

One thought on “Happy New Year!

  1. Angela Bryant says:

    Dear Bishop(Dad),

    Thank you for the words of encouragement and admonishment. I pray that we as the church, the body of Christ, will take heed and do something! Love you and Lady!

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