This graphic says it all. Sometimes you have to just EMBRACE THE DETOUR. Meaning, you have to change the route you’re taking and go another direction. It’s just taking another route to get to your destination. So many people have almost died trying to stay on a road that they know. They are just too afraid to take a detour because they think it may lead them away from their desired end.

Always remember, it’s not the shortest route with the fewer problems that we should pursue. It is always the best route that may have problems, but if is has God’s approval you’ll EVENTUALLY get there.

Ex 13:17-18 TMSG
17 It so happened that after Pharaoh released the people, God didn’t lead them by the road through the land of the Philistines, which was the shortest route, for God thought, “If the people encounter war, they’ll change their minds and go back to Egypt.” 18 So God led the people on the wilderness road, looping around to the Red Sea. The Israelites left Egypt in military formation.

God detoured them onto the “Wilderness Road”. This is the toughest and longest route but they left in military formation, and God was with them.

Sometimes your road to your destiny may appear too hard and too long especially when you know that there is a shorter and more direct route to get to where you want to go. Never forget God knows what’s ahead of you, he knows where the pitfalls, potholes and where the enemy lies ahead. So, EMBRACE THE DETOUR!!!!! God knows what He’s doing.

—Vaughn “Popcorn” McLaughlin